
Our commitment to quality and innovation is not only limited to the creation of environmentally friendly designer products; we also extend to the training of industry professionals who wish to become thoroughly familiar with our products and learn the techniques of applying ecological mortar.

The founders of our project have developed an all-round training service because we believe that knowledge is the key to ensuring that our products are used in the best possible way. Our philosophy is clear: the application of ecological mortar follows a strict cycle that only participants in our training courses can truly understand and implement. This approach not only protects the end customer, but also preserves the very image of our company, ensuring that our products are used optimally.

Soloeco training courses are designed for installers and industry professionals who wish to acquire a detailed knowledge of the techniques and peculiarities of ecological mortars. Our company periodically organises these courses, offering the opportunity to learn directly from experts in the field.

During our courses, participants will have access to valuable information, detailed procedures and practical demonstrations on Soloeco ecological mortar application techniques. Our highly qualified instructors will share their knowledge and experience, ensuring that each participant leaves with a complete understanding of our products and best practices for application.

Participating in our training courses will not only improve your professional skills, but will also allow you to become part of our exclusive network of authorised Soloeco professionals. You will be welcomed into a community of experts who share the same passion for sustainability and ecodesign.

We are excited to share our knowledge with you and to help you reach your full professional potential. Join us at our Soloeco School of Excellence and discover the world of ecological designer mortars.